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FAQ/Walkthrough           \_   _____/____     ____/  |\_____     _____ __  __
Author: Alex Eagleson       |    __) \__  \  /    \   __\__  \  /  ___<   |  |
Date: January 19th, 2005    |     \   / __ \|   |  \  |  / __ \_\___ \ \___  |
Completed: Jan 27th, 20005  \___  /  (____  /___|  /__|\(____  /____  >/ ____|
Donations: See legal section    \/        \/ /  /\/     \  \ \/     \/ \/    
University of Guelph, Ontario               /  /         \  \              
Email: Star OceanDC(at)gmail(dot)com       /  /           \  \             
____________________________________      /__/             \__\            

---------------------------- This is a 100% spoiler-free walkthrough ---------

|                              Table of Contents                             |

** In order to navigate this guide I have implemented a Ctrl+f system, which
means you press ctrl+f in your browser or word processer to bring up the
search menu, then enter the letters in brackets on the right of the section
that you're looking for.

1. Before You Start....................................................(00100)
     i - Introduction..................................................(00101)
     ii - Characters...................................................(00102)
2. Full Walkthrough....................................................(00000)
     i - Zanarkand.....................................................(00001)
     ii - Ruins........................................................(00002)
     iii - Besaid......................................................(00003)
     iv - Besaid Cloister..............................................(00004)
     v - Besaid........................................................(00005)
     vi - S.S. Liki....................................................(00006)
     vii - Kilika......................................................(00007)
     viii - Kilika Woods...............................................(00008)
     ix - Kilika Cloister..............................................(00009)
     x - S.S. Winno....................................................(0000A)
     xi - Luca.........................................................(0000B)
     xii - Mi'ihen Highroad............................................(0000C)
     xiii - Mushroom Rock..............................................(0000D)
     xiv - Djose Temple................................................(0000E)
     xv - Djose Cloister...............................................(0000F)
     xvi - Moonflow....................................................(0000G)
     xvii - Guadosalam.................................................(0000H)
     xviii - Thunder Plains............................................(0000I)
     xix - Macalania...................................................(0000J)
     xx - Macalania Temple.............................................(0000K)
     xxi - Macalania Cloister..........................................(0000L)
     xxii - Macalania..................................................(0000M)
     xxiii - Sanubia Desert............................................(0000N)
     xxiv - Home.......................................................(0000O)
     xxv - Airship.....................................................(0000P)
     xxvi - Bevelle....................................................(0000Q)
     xxvii - Bevelle Cloister..........................................(0000R)
     xxix - Via Purifico...............................................(0000S)
     xxx - Calm Lands..................................................(0000T)
     xxxi - Mt. Gagazet................................................(0000U)
     xxxii - Zanarkand.................................................(0000V)
     xxxiii - Zanarkand Cloister.......................................(0000W)
     xxxiv - Sin.......................................................(0000X)
3. Sidequests..........................................................(00010)
     i - Cavern of Stolen Fayth........................................(00010)
     ii - Zanarkand Cloister...........................................(00010)
     iii - Baaj Temple.................................................(00010)
     iv - Remiem Temple................................................(00010)
     v - Airship Treasures.............................................(00010)
     vi - Omega Ruins..................................................(00010)
     vii - Auron's Spheres.............................................(00010)
     viii - Final Weapons..............................................(00010)
     ix - Everything Else..............................................(00010)
4. Plot Summary........................................................(00090)
     i - Zanarkand.....................................................(00091)
     ii - Ruins........................................................(00092)
     iii - Besaid......................................................(00093)
     iv - Besaid Cloister..............................................(00094)
     v - Besaid........................................................(00095)
     vi - S.S. Liki....................................................(00096)
     vii - Kilika......................................................(00097)
     viii - Kilika Woods...............................................(00098)
     ix - Kilika Cloister..............................................(00099)
     x - S.S. Winno....................................................(0009A)
     xi - Luca.........................................................(0009B)
     xii - Mi'ihen Highroad............................................(0009C)
     xiii - Mushroom Rock..............................................(0009D)
     xiv - Djose Temple................................................(0009E)
     xv - Djose Cloister...............................................(0009F)
     xvi - Moonflow....................................................(0009G)
     xvii - Guadosalam.................................................(0009H)
     xviii - Thunder Plains............................................(0009I)
     xix - Macalania...................................................(0009J)
     xx - Macalania Temple.............................................(0009K)
     xxi - Macalania Cloister..........................................(0009L)
     xxii - Macalania..................................................(0009M)
     xxiii - Sanubia Desert............................................(0009N)
     xxiv - Home.......................................................(0009O)
     xxv - Airship.....................................................(0009P)
     xxvi - Bevelle....................................................(0009Q)
     xxvii - Bevelle Cloister..........................................(0009R)
     xxix - Via Purifico...............................................(0009S)
     xxx - Calm Lands..................................................(0009T)
     xxxi - Mt. Gagazet................................................(0009U)
     xxxii - Zanarkand.................................................(0009V)
     xxxiii - Zanarkand Cloister.......................................(0009W)
     xxxiv - Sin.......................................................(0009X)
5. Version History.....................................................(10000)
6. Legal...............................................................(10001)
7. Credits.............................................................(10002)

|                              Before you Start                      (00100) |

|__ inal Fantasy X /---------------------------------------------------------o
|  -------o--------\                       Introduction                      |
       (00101)      \--------------------------------------------------------o

Note: This is an introduction to the guide, not the game.  If you're looking
for an introduction to the game, try the instruction manual ^_^

I've decided to include an introduction to this guide, and while it is not
exactly my normal policy I feel it is an important addition here.  I'd like to
introduce you to this guide and basically outline what I'm trying to do here. 
As you may know Final Fantasy X is undeniably one of the most popular RPGs
ever made and with that title follows a huge amount of documentation and
writing about it as well.  Four years after the release of the game my
descision to write for it may not sound like the most appropriate descision to
some I felt I could contribute something and find a way to work it so that
there would at least be reason to warrant another guide.

Basically the outline of this guide is as follows, there is a full and
complete walkthrough for the entire game.  This walkthrough is absolutely
spoiler free and complete down to every last detail from what I know of the
game after playing it upwards of 4-5 times over the past few years.  Beyond
the walkthrough is a section detailing the majority of the sidequests this
game has to offer, now the word "majority" will lead me to my other point.
I have no intention of covering every detail of this game beyond what anyone
could possibly want, that's not to say I've left out anything important, what
that IS to say is that you won't find the HP cost value for the Besaid Aurochs
left wing Blitzball player's second venom attack in this guide.  It's far
beyond the scope of what I'm trying to do.  In fact I've completely dropped
all huge lists of items and their descriptions, the kind of stuff you could
find by looking at any other guide.  That's what I avoided.

Finally I'd like to explain what I've added, as you may know this certainly
isn't my first guide and I've received over 1100 emails since I first began
writing.  One type of email I have received on a number of occassions are
emails from people who tell me they've started playing a particular RPG again
after a long period of time, and wondering if I could explain the story to
them because they have forgotten.  Of course this is only one of a million
reasons why it could come in useful but I decided that in such a cinematic
RPG, I would include an entire plot summary which rivals the size of the
walkthrough itself.  This summary is a completely separate entity from
the walkthrough itself, so while the guide remains spoiler-free, the plot
summary is of course spoiler-rific.  Hopefully I haven't scared anyone off, or
given the impression that any section of this guide may be lacking, when it is
not.  I just thought it would be nice for people to understand the true
purpose of this guide before emailing me telling me I forget this section or
that section.  I believe I've covered all the bases, please enjoy the guide!

And the game for that matter.

|__ inal Fantasy X /---------------------------------------------------------o
|  -------o--------\                        Characters                       |
       (00102)      \--------------------------------------------------------o

I may have put this under the "Before you start" header but if you are
looking to avoid all possible spoilers in absolutely all forms, even the most
insignificant, I'm sure you're aware to avoid any "Character" sections.

Tidus - Tidus is the main character of the story.  Tidus is an avid player of
a sport known as Blitzball and he is the start player of his hometown
Zanarkand Abes.  Everyone wants a piece of him.  There's a big game tonight
calld the Jecht Memorial Cup.  When the game begins an event occurs that
shapes Tidus' world forever and sends him on a journey surpassing time itself.

Wakka - Wakka too is a huge fan of Blitzball and is the captain of the Besaid
Aurochs.  He hasn't exactly been very successful at Blitzball in the past, but
that's all going to change at the upcoming tournament.  He meets Tidus early
in the game and the two of them form a powerful bond of friendship quickly.

Lulu - Lulu lives in Besaid village, the same that Wakka comes from.  She is
clad in long dark robes and at least one hundred different belts.  A friend of
Wakka's and guardian of another, Lulu uses her powerful magic to protect the
ones closest to her.  Despite her cold attitude, she's a very caring person.

Yuna - Yuna too is from the village of Besaid, she has had to live in the
shadow of her famous father but has decided to follow in his footsteps.  She
will take on a pivotal role in the quest and quite possibly be the only one
who can save the world with a special power she possesses.

Auron - Auron is a very mysterious person indeed, he shows up early and is
willing to lend Tidus a helping hand though his motives are very unclear.  One
thing is for sure though, without Auron's help Tidus' fate would have surely
been sealed before his journey even began...

Kimahri - A large hulking lionesque humanoid and member of the legendary Ronso
tribe.  Known for their physical prowess and quiet manner they like to act
first and talk later, but most Ronso are actually quite calm and wise.

Rikku - Rikku is an Al Bhed, another of the numerous races found around the
world.  Though she is much more humanesque than the Ronso tribe, their is a
subtle difference about her that makes her stand out.  She is very quirky and
extroverted and always seems willing to extend a helping hand.

|                              Full Walkthrough                      (00000) |

|__ inal Fantasy X /---------------------------------------------------------o
|  -------o--------\                         Zanarkand                       |
       (00001)      \--------------------------------------------------------o

o------- Item Checklist -------o  As the game begins you'll be introduced to
|                              |  your characters through a number of  opening
| None......................./ |  scenes.  When you have control head down and
|                              |  speak with all the people waiting for you,
o------------------------------o  especially the children.  You'll be able to
                                  name your character whose default name is
Tidus and will be referred to as such throughout the rest of the guide.  Talk
tot he girls beside them as well.  After talking to them there's a short
scene.  With control once again make your way down the path as the announcer
speaks in the background.  Just continue through the next area for a cutscene.

Follow the scene youi notice your have a little minimap in the upper left
corner of your screen, use this in order to be able to tell the difference
between South and West etc when the camera isn't in a static position.  Now
run South to meet up with someone and trigger another event.  Now you will
find yourself in a battle, only two options are currently available, Attack
and Item.  Forget the Item command for now and select attack, your target
makes no difference.  With Auron the same idea applies, however he has access
to the Power Break skill.  These enemies are far too easy to make it useful to
just stick with normal attacks.  When you proceed further Auron gives you an
important piece of advice, which is to ignore the ones that don't matter. 
Even though you can target the enemies behind you they are unimportant since
you can simply eliminate the ones blocking your path instead.

| Boss: Sinspawn Ammes         |                                             |
|---------------o--------------| When the battle begins Auron automatically  |
| HP: 2400      | AP: N/A      | has his Overdrive meter fully charged.  An  |
|---------------+--------------| Overdrive is an extra powerful attack that  |
| MP: 400       | Gil: N/A     | builds up over the course of battle from    |
|---------------o--------------o various conditions.  It is akin to the      |
|                                limit breaks, or trance states of previous  |
| Final Fantasy games.  You are not even given a choice, you must use this   |
| attack with Auron.  Press left on the battle menu to find the Overdrive    |
| menu.  His Overdrives are under the Bushido category, and the only one he  |
| has available at the monet is the Dragon Fang which targets all enemies.   |
| When you use this he will jump up and a button combinations will appear    |
| on screen along with a four second timer, you must input this button       |
| combination to perform Auron's attack.  Four seconds is plenty of time,    |
| even if you make a mistake but don't feel bad if you mess it up the first  |
| few times.  Now you can start attacking the boss normally, as you attack   |
| it you will slowly destroy the little light pods, use this as an indicator |
| of how much health the boss has left.  It will continually cast the Demi   |
| spell which is Gravity based, Gravity deals damage equal to a percentage   |
| of your remaining health, in this case 25%.  Even though it may seem       |
| powerful, you will keep taking less and less damage and your HP gets lower |
| and lower so you won't have to worry about it actually killing you.  After |
| a second cast of the Demi spell Tidus has access to his Overdrive, Spiral  |
| Cut.  Instead of a button combination it works off of your ability to hit  |
| a special target within the time limit.  You have as many tries as you     |
| within that amount of time.  Now that the Overdrives are out of the way    |
| just keep using normal attacks until the boss finally falls.  Auron's      |
| Power Break skill still has little use, but you can use it if you wish.    |
|                                                                            |

After the battle follow Auron up the road.  Beyond the pods on your right you
will notice a glowing sphere, if you examine this with the X button you can
not only save your game, but also recover full HP & MP automatically. 
Continue toward Auron to trigger a scene and another fight.  You're surrounded
by enemies, and each time you kill one another reappears.  Spend the beginning
of this battle eliminating any of the enemies with flickering wings, this
means that they are charging an attack for the next turn.  Soon enough after
you've taken out a few of them Auron will suggest you target the Tanker on the
right side.  Spend the rest of the fight ignoring the little enemies and
attack the Tanker about four or five times to knock it down and begin another
lengthy scene.  As you're suspended in the air, hold the circle button to
descend down.  Swim down and to the Southwest until another event occurs.

|__ inal Fantasy X /---------------------------------------------------------o
|  -------o--------\                           Ruins                         |
       (00002)      \--------------------------------------------------------o

o------- Item Checklist -------o  Now you'll have to navigate around this area
|                              |  in the water.  Swim Northwest to the upper
| Potion................._____ |  left corner, the stone structure has a set
| Potion................._____ |  of stairs you can climb up.  Sitting on the
| Hi-Potion.............._____ |  ground is an Al Bhed Compilation Sphere,
| Ether.................._____ |  what this is, is an object that allows you
| Withered Bouquet......._____ |  to transfer data from an old save file to
| Hi-Potion.............._____ |  this game.  Basically one group of people
| Flint.................._____ |  you will encounter speaks an entirely
| Potion................._____ |  different language designed for this game,
| Potion................._____ |  nothing too complicated just based on
| Potion................._____ |  replacing letters with other ones. 
| Al Bhed Primer I......._____ |  Basically you can find a number of items
|                              |  called Primers which allow you to decipher
o------------------------------o  one letter of their aplhabet, and
                                  there are twenty six of these in total.  You
can load all of the ones you found on your last file using this sphere to help
understand what they are saying, though it is by no means a requirement to
understand the story.  After examining the sphere head South and open the
chest to find two 'Potion.'  Return to the water and make your way toward the
red arrow at the top via the path to the North.  Follow it to the next area.

On your left is a save sphere, using it now would be a good idea.  When you
come to a fork take the left (West) path to reach a chest containing 'Hi-
Potion.'  Go back to the fork and walk North for a scene.  Try to swim North
but you will be interrupted by a fight with some normal enemies.  Just stick
with the Attack command, it is sufficient to take them all out.

| Boss: Geosgaeno              |                                             |
|---------------o--------------| As you can plainly see by the boss' HP      |
| HP: 32,267    | AP: N/A      | total you aren't expected to come out of    |
|---------------+--------------| this fight victorious.  The fight only      |
| MP: 128       | Gil: N/A     | actually consists of three rounds.  Similar |
|---------------o--------------o to the first boss his attacks will seem to  |
|                                hurt at first until you realize that each   |
| one is actually set to only hit you from 50% of your current HP, so you    |
| cannot actually be killed in this battle.  With this in mind don't waste   |
| any of your items trying to stay alive. On the third turn the battle ends. |
|                                                                            |

With that out of the way make your way North over the rubble and into the
door.  Check the Southwest corner of the room for a save point.  You'll notice
that it is marked with a white square on your minimap, this is true of all
save points.  Green squares always mark exits.  Head North and go through the
open door.  Directly below you in this hall is a chest containing 'Ether.'  At
the top of the stairs where the screen focuses on the East wall, examine the
vase to receive 'Withered Bouquet.'  The exit above you, at the end of the
walkway is a chest with 'Hi-Potion' inside.  Backtrack to the save point in
the central room and walk into the room directly next to it.  Under the
waterfall is an overturned desk, when standing near it the option to examine
appears at the lower right of the screen, press X to pick up the 'Flint.' 
Leave the room, save your game, and examine the fire pit in the middle.

| Boss: Klikk                  |                                             |
|---------------o--------------| This is the first boss fight where there's  |
| HP: 1500      | AP: 5        | actually a risk of death, but fortunately   |
|---------------+--------------| a simple risk doesn't necessarily mean it's |
| MP: 5         | Gil: 50      | going to be very likely.  Select the Attack |
|---------------o--------------o command each turn until the creature knocks |
|                                you down to below about 200 hit points,     |
| you may want to use a Potion or Hi-Potion to keep yourself alive.  Once a  |
| few turns have passed the battle is interrupted and another character will |
| join the fray.  For the first turn she only has one option so choose to    |
| use one of her Grenades on the boss.  Tidus can continue to attack from    |
| this point however keep using the Steal command every turn with ???? until |
| you are able to steal a Grenade from the boss.  If it's still alive at     |
| this point just go nuts with normal attacks for both of them.  If you find |
| yourself in danger don't hesitate to use more Grenades, and if either      |
| character is felled in battle, use the Phoenix Down item to revive them    |
|                                                                            |

During the scene scene following the battle you're not meant to understand
what they are saying, they're speaking the alternate language I mentioned
briefly earlier.  It's not hard to get the idea though just from the visuals. 
After the scene speak with the girl just below you to get a tutorial of the
Sphere Grid.  The Sphere Grid is the basic level up system in this game,
rather than having your stats increased automatically without your control,
each time you level up your gain the ability to move a little further on the
Sphere Grid.  When you move to another panel it may be an attack power
upgrade, defense upgrade or even a new ability.  Each character moves around
the Sphere Grid but start at different locations to make them unique.  Listen
well to the tutorial, it will seriously benefit you.  You can use the Sphere
Grid yourself after the tutorial.  Moving to one sphere means you can activate
the one you're on, as well as the ones following and preceding it.  Select the
move option and move up one, this will give you the chance to use one of your
Ability Spheres to learn the Cheer ability.  If for whatever reason you wish
to view the tutorial again, speak to the man on the right and choose "Yeah."

Speak to the upper left guy and he'll give you three 'Potion.'  At the
Northeast corner of this deck examine the object on the ground to receive the
'Al Bhed Primer Vol, I.'  At the Northwest side use the sphere to save your
game.  Talk to the English speaking girl and you'll soon find yourself in the
water.  Press the circle button to dive down and follow the chain toward the
ruins.  This is the first area of the game where you will encounter random
battles, these occur with just simple small fry.  Approach the ruins and
examine the panel to open the door.  There's nothing of value to find in this
first area so just swim East to trigger a battle against some normal enemies. 
Watch the scene after the fight and swim back only to be ambushed!

| Boss: Tros                   |                                             |
|---------------o--------------| A giant squid monster attacks Tidus and the |
| HP: 2200      | AP: 8        | girl here!  When fighting this battle you   |
|---------------+--------------| should focus mostly on using normal attacks |
| MP: 10        | Gil: 100     | for Tidus and Grenades for the girl.  If    |
|---------------o--------------o she starts running low then you can just    |
|                                steal more from the boss.  After it has     |
| taken a certain amount of damage it will go and hide out of reach.  This   |
| is when your first trigger commands become available.  Trigger Commands    |
| are special battle specific commands that appear at certain times and let  |
| you perform alternate actions.  In this case since the boss is out of      |
| range you have the option of pushing left to reach the menu where your     |
| Overdrive usually appears, now there is another option called Stand By.    |
| Choosing this will forfeit your turn but also allow you to gain 50 HP      |
| which is helpful because his next attack will hit both your characters for |
| over 150 each.  Keep fighting him until once again he goes to hide, this   |
| time a second Trigger Command appears whcih lets you use a Pincer Attack   |
| to box him in.  Now the boss can no longer hide and you are free to spend  |
| the rest of the battle attacking, stealing, and using grenades.            |
|                                                                            |

Go speak to the girl where the red arrow is located on your minimap and then
watch the scene.  Swim down to the Southeast portion of your map to continue
the event.  When the girl is done talking you can save, and then speak with
her again.  After the scene you automatically get a chance to save.

|__ inal Fantasy X /---------------------------------------------------------o
|  -------o--------\                          Besaid                         |
       (00003)      \--------------------------------------------------------o

o------- Item Checklist -------o  You'll wake up once again in a whole new
|                              |  area.  When you start swimming don't
| Moon Crest............._____ |  approach the people on the beach, instead
| Antidote..............._____ |  swim East where you'll find a treasure chest
| Antidote..............._____ |  on a small area of beach.  Inside the chest
| Phoenix Down..........._____ |  is the 'Moon Crest.'  Don't expect to find
| Hi-Potion.............._____ |  any use for this item for a very long time! 
| Antidote..............._____ |  Now head back to the beach and speak to
| Antidote..............._____ |  everyone.  When it's over you can run to the
| Phoenix Down..........._____ |  far West side and find a treasure chest with
| 400 Gil................_____ |  two 'Antidote.'  When you're ready approach
| Potion................._____ |  the North path to speak with Wakka again. 
| Potion................._____ |  Use the save point on the lower right and
| Hi-Potion.............._____ |  run down the path after him.  Follow Wakka
| Al Bhed Primer II......_____ |  to the East and you'll end up in the water.
|                              | 
o------------------------------o  Swim to the South, remember that's South
                                  according to your minimap, and open the
chest to receive 'Phoenix Down.'  Stay along the South wall as you make your
way East, soon after this one there's another chest with 'Hi-Potion' inside. 
Continue downstream, in the middle of your path when it curves Northeast is a
chest containing two 'Antidote,' you can't miss it.  Now swim North and watch
the scene.  Follow the path West toward the red destination marker and you'll
be interrupted by someone. Now make your way toward Besaid Village.

After the scene you can wander around the village at your own pace.  Directly
left of where you start is a chest containing 'Phoenix Down.'  Take a look at
your minimap, you can see that just above you and to the West is a small
little peninsula-like outstretch, follow it to find three chests containing
'400 Gil,' two 'Potion,' and 'Hi-Potion.'  Speak to everyone in the village to
learn some things about Spira then run North into the temple at the top.

Approach the statues here to speak with the head of the temple.  This is all
you need to do here, return to the main area of the village.  Wakka's place is
the one just below the upper-right tent.  Agree that it's a good time to take
a rest and watch the flashback scene.  When you awaken, head across the path
into the Northwest tent.  This is the Crusader's lodge, you can talk to the
people here and check out the sphere terminal for all sorts of tutorials on
the game.  Just beside the entrance is a book sitting on the ground, this is
the 'Al Bhed Primer Vol, II.'  Leave the tent and return to the North temple.

|__ inal Fantasy X /---------------------------------------------------------o
|  -------o--------\                 Besaid Cloister of Trials               |
       (00004)      \--------------------------------------------------------o

o------- Item Checklist -------o  First things first, examine the Glyph on the
|                              |  North wall.  This opens up a path to your
| Rod of Wisdom.........._____ |  left.  Examine the wall at the bottom to get
|                              |  a quick tutorial on the different Spheres. 
o------------------------------o  The first are Glyph Spheres whcih open the
                                  way to the "Chamber of the Fayth."  The
second are Destruction Spheres which open the way to hidden treasure.  The
third are Besaid Spheres which are also necessary.  After the tutorial you
receive a Glyph Sphere.  Descend the stairs and insert the sphere into the
door at the bottom.  Once the door opens you can examine it and take the
sphere out again.  Follow the hallway and when it changes direction, check the
left wall and insert the Glpyh Sphere.  Inside you will find a Destruction
Sphere, but there's nothing you can do with it at the moment so just leave it.

Around the next corner you will see a pedestal on your left and a glowing
symbol on the wall opposite it on your right.  Examine the glowing symbol to
reveal a path to a Besaid Sphere.  Pick it up and put it into the pedestal on
the left.  Now go back and pick up that Destruction Sphere and place it where
the Besaid Sphere used to be.  This will break open a secret room at the end
of the hall which contains a chest.  In the chest you will find 'Rod of
Wisdom.'  Return to the pedestal again and push it straight into the room
until it sinks into the floor.  To push it simply hold the analog stick in the
direction you want to push.  When you push it far enough a scene occurs.

|__ inal Fantasy X /---------------------------------------------------------o
|  -------o--------\                          Besaid                         |
       (00005)      \--------------------------------------------------------o

o------- Item Checklist -------o  Walk over and talk to the girl by the fire,
|                              |  and then to Wakka after you're done.  During
| Phoenix Down..........._____ |  the night there's a dream sequence where all
| Phoenix Down..........._____ |  you have to do is run to the left, a lengthy
| Phoenix Down..........._____ |  scene follows.  In the morning save your
| Ether.................._____ |  game and leave the tent.  You'll receive
| Seeker's Ring.........._____ |  your primary sowrd here, the Brotherhood. 
| 400 Gil................_____ |  It's equipped automatically so don't worry
| Remedy................._____ |  about that.  Before you leave you can check
|                              |  out the item shop in town and maybe make a
o------------------------------o  few purchases before you leave the village.

During    your   first   battle   you   will  o- Besaid (Item) --------------o
automatically  get a rather  simple tutorial  |                              |
on how to fight.  Tidus is good at attacking  | Potion................50 Gil |
smaller  agile  enemies,  and Wakka  is more  | Phoenix Down.........100 Gil |
proficient  at  fighting  airborne  enemies.  | Antidote..............50 Gil |
During the next  fight you face  off against  |                              |
a physically resistance enemy, you know it's  o------------------------------o
resistant  because of the  thumping sound it
makes when you attack.  Magic elements are now explained to you, there are
four basic elements, Fire, Ice, Lightning and Water.  Fire and Ice oppose, and
Lightning and Water oppose.  Since the fiend you are facing is of the Water
element that means you should exploit its weakness to Lightning.  Select
Thunder from Lulu's list of Black Magic and use it.  Now run East for a scene.

Just above you is a save point, make use of it.  Follow the directional
indicator to the Northwest.  As you go along the path you will be ambushed.

| Boss: Kimahri                |                                             |
|---------------o--------------| Tidus should have the ability Cheer at this |
| HP: 750       | AP: 3        | point since it only takes one levels up to  |
|---------------+--------------| get, so start the battle by using this      |
| MP: 10        | Gil: 100     | skill.  Now just stick with normal attacks  |
|---------------o--------------o for awhile until your HP reaches critical   |
|                                levels.  Use a Hi-Potion if necessary.      |
|                                                                            |

Keep following the linear path to the end.  During the next fight you are
introduced to the concept of switching party members during battle.  It's
quite simple, one person can be replaced for another at any given time.  On
whoever's turn it is can switch by pressing the L1 button and choosing who you
want to switch with.  For this particular case select Yuna and select the
Summon command.  Aeons replace the entire party when summoned and fight just
as if they were a party member, except quite a bit stronger.  They even have
their own overdrives as well.  Valefor is equipped with all sorts of magic and
skills, but normal attacks will suffice just fine for this enemy.  If you
happen to have your Overdrive built up enough you can use it the same way you
would for any other character.  Following this fight is one more tutorial on
Wakka's skills.  He has a skill called Dark Attack which is just like a normal
attack but expends some MP at the benefit of inflicting the Darkness status on
an enemy which makes it much harder for them to hit you.

When you arrive on the docks talk to absolutely everyone you see, more than
once even.  The woman at the bottom gives you three 'Phoenix Down,' and the
man beside her gives 'Ether.'  The old man at the bottom of the ramp offers
'Seeker's Ring' and the young man above him gives '400 Gil.'  Lastly the
little boy will hand you a 'Remedy.'  Now step onto the boat for a scene.

|__ inal Fantasy X /---------------------------------------------------------o
|  -------o--------\                        S.S. Liki                        |
       (00006)      \--------------------------------------------------------o

o------- Item Checklist -------o  Start by making your way into the cabin of
|                              |  the ship.  You'll meet a man who identifies
| Al Bhed Primer III ...._____ |  himself as O'aka the XXIII.  He requests
|                              |  some money from you, this guy will be a big
o------------------------------o  help later in the game so lending him money
                                  at this point is a good idea.  In fact
lending him all the money you have is perfectly fine.  Enter the room left of
O'aka and kick the suitcase for a total of twenty potions, then head into the
room South of O'aaka with the Chocobo to find 'Al Bhed Primer Vol, III.' 
Return to the deck of the ship and approach Yuna to hear a conversation.

Head down and speak with Wakka.  Now that the crowd has dispersed you can go
up and talk with Yuna so trigger a long event.  Following this event a battle
occurs between you and some normal enemies.  If you don't like the party you
are automatically assigned you can switch both Wakka and Lulu in.  Soon you'll
realize you up against more than you thought.

| Boss: Sin                    |                                             |
|---------------o--------------| The best way to make this fight easier is   |
| HP: 2000      | AP: 10       | to start off by killing two of the three    |
|---------------+--------------| Sinspawn, and using the cheer ability.      |
| MP: 100       | Gil: 100     | When all three Sinspawn are killed, three   |
|---------------o--------------o new ones just appear.  This is a good way   |
|                                to get some extra AP but of course it's     |
| just going to make the battle harder.  Substitute Yuna and Kimahri for     |
| Lulu and Wakka.  Since Sin's Fin is off in the background it can only be   |
| hit by long range attacks, fortunately Wakka's attack and Lulu's magic     |
| fall into this category.  Use Tidus as a support character as you attack   |
| with Wakka and cast magic with Lulu.  Since Sin does not have any          |
| elemental weaknesses the magic you cast makes no real difference.  It will |
| continually move from side to side but this really has no effect on the    |
| fight itself.  Stick with a constant attack pattern to defeat the boss.    |
|                                                                            |

After the battle watch the scene and get ready for another fight right away.

| Boss: Sinspawn Echuilles     |                                             |
|---------------o--------------| You're at a severe disadvantage here so you |
| HP: 2000      | AP: 12       | will have to turn that into an advantage.   |
|---------------+--------------| To get the upper hand start the battle with |
| MP: 20        | Gil: 115     | cheer and use Potions to heal your party    |
|---------------o--------------o back to full health from any damage they    |
|                                took during the last boss fight.  Not only  |
| will you be fighting a large boss here, he also has four little Sinscales  |
| at his side who attack frequently and are always being replenished so that |
| trying to eliminate them yourself is a pointless endeavor.  The other way  |
| to take advantage of this boss is extremely effective and that is Wakka's  |
| Dark Attack skill, the boss is susceptible to this status ailment so that  |
| when he is hit by it he will rarely be able to damage you, only the little |
| Sinscales at his side will.  Use your attacks until al the damage you take |
| charges you enough to reach Overdrive, then let him have it.  No problem.  |
|                                                                            |

Following the battle watch the impressive cutscene and arrive at Kilika port.

|__ inal Fantasy X /---------------------------------------------------------o
|  -------o--------\                         Kilika                          |
       (00007)      \--------------------------------------------------------o

o------- Item Checklist -------o  On the dock, use the save sphere to
|                              |  replenish and save your game.  Walk up the
| Al Bhed Primer IV......_____ |  dock and make a left at the fork, then watch
| Ether.................._____ |  the scene.  In the morning save your game
| Potion................._____ |  and leave the small hut.  After Datto tells
| Potion................._____ |  you where to go, quickly go left and talk to
| Potion................._____ |  the small girl in red sitting among the
|                              |  debris, then follow Datto to the right. 
o------------------------------o  Enter the hut at the fork and pick up the
                                  'Al Bhed Primer Vol, IV' off the counter. 
If you saved the child from the collapsing rubble you'll find a chest in here
containing an 'Ether.' Leave and head right.
Before you  follow him  into the  jungle you  o- Kilika (Weapon) ------------o
can check out the shop just South of the bar  |                              |
and  to the  West, it's the old  lady beside  | Hunter's Sword.......250 Gil |
the treasure chest.  Return to  the hut West  | Rod of Wisdom........250 Gil |
of  the inn  and  get the chest  with  three  | Scout................250 Gil |
'Potion.'  How leave  and take the West path  | Cactuar Scope........375 Gil |
leading  North to  the forest behind Kilika.  | Hunter's Spear.......150 Gil |
                                              | Seeker's Shield......150 Gil |
o---------------------------------------------o Seeker's Ring........150 Gil |
|                                               Seeker's Armguard....150 Gil |
| Seeker's Bangle...................150 Gil     Seeker's Armlet......150 Gil |
|                                                                            |

|__ inal Fantasy X /---------------------------------------------------------o
|  -------o--------\                      Kilika Woods                       |
       (00008)      \--------------------------------------------------------o

o------- Item Checklist -------o  Use the save sphere on your right then meet
|                              |  up with the rest of your party.  After the
| Mana Sphere............_____ |  scene run to the end of the East path and
| Scout.................._____ |  open the chest to receive two 'Mana
| Luck Sphere............_____ |  Sphere.'  Return to the entrance and head
| Elixir................._____ |  West.  During your first battle there's
|                              |  another tutorial involving Kimahri.  Kimahri
o------------------------------o  is the "Blue Mage" of Final Fantasy X, his
                                  Lancet ability can be used to learn
abilities from certain enemies.  You are forced to use it here and learn the
ability Seed Cannon from the Ragora.  Learning a new ability automatically
brings Kimahri to Ovedrive mode, his Overdrive is the ability to cast enemy
skills which he has learned.  Try using Seed Cannon after learning it.

Take a look at your minimap and follow the first skinny path you come to
leading North, you will reach a chest containing 'Scout.'  Note that at any
time is you need healing outside of battle you don't need to rely on using up
all your items, Yuna is perfectly capable of casting her Cure spells from the
menu even if she isn't in your party.  North of the chest you just opened is a
4-way split.  Take the North branch and follow it until you are on the centre
path again.  Run North and the path curves West, at the end is a chest
containing 'Luck Sphere.'  This is a special sphere different from other ones,
rather than activating a node it creates a node on an empty spot.  Try using
it on the sphere grid to make a Luck +4 spot, but it will remain unactivated
for now since you don't have the right spheres to get the bonus.  Head back to
the main path and run South to encounter a large enemy in your way.

| Boss: Lord Ochu              |                                             |
|---------------o--------------| As it does seem like a recurring theme, it  |
| HP: 4649      | AP: 40       | is still a good idea to use the Cheer       |
|---------------+--------------| ability at the start of battle.  This boss  |
| MP: 40        | Gil: 420     | is quite powerful and has quite a lot of    |
|---------------o--------------o HP but you should be able to take it out as |
|                                long as you are well prepared.  You'll      |
| need a good supply of Antidote items which you probably picked up quite    |
| a few of near the start of the game.  If you're using Yuna in your party   |
| her Cure and Esuna will come in very handy.  Whatever you do the most      |
| important thing is to have Lulu in your party, Ochu has a weakness to fire |
| so her Fire magic should deal a hefty amount of damage.  Dedicate one of   |
| your other characters to healing and curing poison.  Wakka's skills are    |
| fairly useless so it comes down to physical attacks and Fire magic.  When  |
| Ochu decides to fall asleep you need to wake him up immediately otherwise  |
| he keeps gaining a massive amount of HP every turn.  When he wakes up he   |
| always automatically casts the powerful Earthquake spell, so be ready to   |
| set aside a couple characters that turn for helaing, and keep using Fire!  |
|                                                                            |

Walk South and speak to the man with the red hair to get an 'Elixir.'  Further
South it's not too far out of the way to save your game again.  Return to
where the two men are standing on the bridge in the middle and take the path
East just above them.  Follow this path to the end, and go up the stairs to
the next screen.  Watch the scene then use the save point and ascend.

| Boss: Sinspawn Geneaux       |                                             |
|---------------o--------------| When the fight starts out the boss is just  |
| HP: 3000      | AP: 48       | a big rock blob that you really can't       |
|---------------+--------------| hurt.  If you try to cast magic on it, the  |
| MP: 30        | Gil: 300     | tentacles will absorb it.  This means that  |
|---------------o--------------o you must kill the tentacles first.  Have    |
|                                Tidus and whoever you are using attack the  |
| tentacles physically.  They only have 450 HP so it shouldn't take long     |
| before both of them are taken out.  The boss has a weakness to fire magic  |
| and is vulnerable without his tentacles, so pull Lulu in and begin casting |
| her magic.  After a couple turns of this the true boss will expose itself, |
| now it can attack more powerfully but it is no longer resistant to your    |
| physical attacks.  Similar to Ochu it uses poison attacks on your party    |
| so hopefully you've got some leftover Antidotes.  From this point it       |
| shouldn't be too hard to deal the rest of the needed damage, the only      |
| difficult thing may be withstanding some of his more powerful attacks      |
| like the tentacles attack that hits your entire party.                     |
|                                                                            |

Climb the stairs to the Northwest for a scene, then onward to the temple. 
Approch it and once again there's another scene.  Head into the temple, save
your game then talk to Wakka and pray with him.  Following this event proceed
North to the Cloister of Trials.  Wait around for the elevator and Descend.

|__ inal Fantasy X /---------------------------------------------------------o
|  -------o--------\                 Kilika Cloister of Trials               |
       (00009)      \--------------------------------------------------------o

o------- Item Checklist -------o  Approach the cloister and enter through the
|                              |  door.  Examine the burning pedestal and pick
| Red Armlet............._____ |  up the Kilika Sphere from it.  Put the
|                              |  sphere into the spherical indentation to the
o------------------------------o  right of the door.  Remove it again to put
                                  out the flames.  Enter the next room and put
the Kilika Sphere in the slot on the North wall.  Take your Kilika Sphere out
and put it into the slot on the East wall, then examine the glyph on the North
wall to open up a doorway.  Go into the next room and take the Kilika Sphere
out of it's position on the wall East of the fork.  Return to the previous
room and put the Kilika Sphere into the slot on the West wall.  Now remove the
Glyph Sphere from the pedestal, return to the North room and put it into the
East slot where you found the second Kilika Sphere.  Return once again to the
previous room and put on of the two Kilika Spheres into the pedestal.

Push the pedestal up into the North room and onto the glowing floor panel just
above the door to the East.  On the West side of this room there is a set of
stairs leading down, descend and take the Kilika Sphere out of the wall on the
East side.  Backtrack to the South room and insert the Kilika Sphere into the
wall on the left side.  Back in the upper room again don't go down the stairs,
go East into the small room your opened awhile ago and take the Destruction
Sphere.  Go down the stairs and put it where the Kilika Sphere was just
recently and the wall explodes revealing a chest containing 'Red Armlet.' 
Head back and pick up one of your Kilika Spheres again and insert it into the
door panel found as far North as you can go.  Remove it again and proceed for
a scene.  Speak to All three of your party members and try to leave. 

After meeting up with Yuna again exit the temple and speak to the people
outside.  Navigate through the woods again and return to Kilika.  Meet up with
your party at the end of the dock and you can embark once again.

|__ inal Fantasy X /---------------------------------------------------------o
|  -------o--------\                        S.S. Winno                       |
       (0000A)      \--------------------------------------------------------o

o------- Item Checklist -------o  Leave the room to the East.  O'aka is here
|                              |  again, you can lend him some more of your
| Al Bhed Primer V......._____ |  money.  Take the stairs up to the main deck
|                              |  and enter the door directly beside you at
o------------------------------o  the top of the stairs.  Sitting on the floor
                                  is the 'Al Bhed Primer Vol, V.'  Run in the
direction opposite the door and watch the scene.  Head back to the cabin and
listen to the conversation between Wakka and Lulu.  Now go part toward the
front of the ship and a scene occurs as you approach the Blitzball.  It will
tell you how to attempt the shot, basically as the objects appear in the
corners of the screen you have to press the directional pad and the X button
in that direction.  When it happens for real it's just phrases that are going
to appear and not button commands, so be ready and don't let it catch you off
guard.  After this comes another scene, and then a chance to save your game. 

|__ inal Fantasy X /---------------------------------------------------------o
|  -------o--------\                           Luca                          |
       (0000B)      \--------------------------------------------------------o

o------- Item Checklist -------o  Watch the spectacular cutscene when you
|                              |  arrive.  Use the save point marked as the
| Al Bhed Primer VI......_____ |  white icon on your map then head Northeast
| Hi-Potion.............._____ |  to the next area and watch the scene.  After
| Hi-Potion.............._____ |  this scene too you can save your game. 
| 600 Gil................_____ |  There's a huge tutorial available for
| Tidal Spear............_____ |  playing Blitzball but you don't really need
| Phoenix Down..........._____ |  to know very much for this point in the
| Phoenix Down..........._____ |  game.  Leave the room and talk to the Al
| Magic Sphere..........._____ |  Bhed people standing outside.  Out in the
| HP Sphere.............._____ |  open area there is a save point to the South
| Al Bhed Primer VII....._____ |  beside the shop, however at this moment the
| 1000 Gil..............._____ |  shop is not open.  Descend the stairs to the
|                              |  Northwest into the other locker room area. 
o------------------------------o  Sitting on the ground behind the guy in
                                  green is the 'Al Bhed Primer, Vol VI.'  At
the end of the hall is a chest containing two 'Hi-Potion.'  Leave the locker
area and make your way West down the curved path, ignore destination marker.
You'll find O'aka here.  Go North to get the
chest along  the side  with  '600 Gil,'  and  o- Luca (Item) ----------------o
Northwest of that is one with 'Tidal Spear.'  |                              |
in the next  area to the  Northeast opposite  | Potion................50 Gil |
the  ramp  up  to   the  ship  is  a   chest  | Phoenix Down.........100 Gil |
containing  two 'Phoenix Down.'  Keep moving  | Antidote..............50 Gil |
along to reach the docking port three screen  |                              |
East  of  this  one.   There's all  sorts of  o- Luca (Weapon) --------------o
boxes piled around  and no  visible treasure  |                              |
chests, however  if you look at your minimap  | Warrior's Sword......150 Gil |
you will  see there  is  a secret  thin path  | Enchanted Rod........150 Gil |
from  the  Northeast corner.   This leads to  | Power Ball...........150 Gil |
two hidden chests  containing 'Magic Sphere'  | Magical Mog..........150 Gil |
and 'HP Sphere.'  Follow the path around and  | Halberd..............225 Gil |
you'll  find   yourself   back   where   you  | Metal Shield.........250 Gil |
started.  Save and head South.                | Metal Ring...........250 Gil |
                                              | Metal Armguard.......250 Gil |
Now make  your  way East for  a quick scene,  | Metal Bangle.........250 Gil |
then talk to the woman on  the right to pick  | Metal Armlet.........250 Gil |
up some new weapons and items.  Down the red  |                              |
carpet  to the  North is the bar,  go inside  o------------------------------o
and watch  the  event.  Once  everything has
wrapped up make your way West back to the docks.  Save your game and take the
West path to reach dock 4.  Soon enough you'll encounter a battle against some
normal Machina enemies.  Have Lulu cast her Thunder spell whenever she gets
her turns, it's far more effective than your normal attacks.  Keep following
the path around to the next dock, and then the one after that.  You have to
fight three of the same Machina battles in a row here, just use Lulu to make
them a cakewalk then watch the scene.  Save your game and head East.

| Boss: Oblitzerator           |                                             |
|---------------o--------------| There are two ways to beat this boss, the   |
| HP: 6000      | AP: 36       | easy way and the hard way.  The hard way    |
|---------------+--------------| is to fight and fight until eventually you  |
| MP: 10        | Gil: 580     | deal the necessary 6000 damage and kill it  |
|---------------o--------------o which is a perfectly feasible method though |
|                                a much much easier one is available.  You   |
| will notice that at the beginning of the battle a special Trigger Command  |
| is available to Tidus.  If you use it he tries to operate the nearby crane |
| but Lulu says it must be out of power.  Fortunately being a Black Mage she |
| has the ability to create power out of thin air, more specifically with    |
| her Thunder spell.  When you cast this spell on the crane, not the boss,   |
| it kind of shakes a little and seems to react.  With three casts of the    |
| spell the crane is in full operation again.  Have Tidus select his crane   |
| Trigger Command and when you use it, the crane will lift the boss up and   |
| break it in half, dealing 5500 damage, possibly a bit less if you have     |
| already attacked.  From there it should only take a single Thnder spell    |
| to put an end to the boss.  During the battle when the boss is attacking   |
| you, have Kimahri just attack normally and Tidus act support when he isn't |
| using the crane, healing the party, using Cheer and casting Haste on Lulu. |
|                                                                            |

After the scene return to the locker room.  Talk to Wakka to begin the game. 
The odds are stacked rediculously against you, and it's extremely hard to win. 
If you have Tidus' Jecht Shot on him then it's possible to take the victory
but considering what happens after the game it really doesn't make much
difference.  Finish the Blitzball and wand witness the following events.

You'll be thrown automatically into an underwater battle against some normal
enemies.  Just fight you way through with normal attacks.  Using Tidus to cast
Haste will speed things up a bit.  By the time this is over you will have
killed about twenty-five of them.  Following this you'll get to fight a battle
with Auron.  His sword is powerful enough to piece the enemy's strong armour
plating, so there's no special considerations you need to worry about.  What
you do need to worry about however is the next fight, the large bird doesn't
have too much HP but it counterattacks every single time it is hit, and that
doesn't slow its normal attack which hits all your characters.  Take it out
quickly and watch the scene.  You can save your game afterward.

After the long scene follow Auron all the way back to the central area of
town.  On your way there go North at the T junction to reach the Sphere
Theater.  You can find the 'Al Bhed Primer, Vol VII' on the floor in the main
lobby area.  In town, ascend the Northeast stairs where the red directional
marker leads you, there's a scene at the top.  When it's over before speaking
to Yuna, run to the right and open the chest to receive '1000 Gil.'  Now speak
with Yuna.  You're finally ready to proceed to your next destination.

|__ inal Fantasy X /---------------------------------------------------------o
|  -------o--------\                     Mi'ihen Highroad                    |
       (0000C)      \--------------------------------------------------------o

o------- Item Checklist -------o  At this point in the game I switched out
|                              |  Wakka for Auron making a party of Tidus,
| Ice Brand.............._____ |  Lulu and Auron.  As previously mentioned
| Echo Ring.............._____ |  Auron's attacked pierces enemy armour and
| Remedy................._____ |  there are going to be a lot of armoured
| 2000 Gil..............._____ |  enemies from this point on.  Use the Save
| Ether.................._____ |  Sphere on your left.  You can now play
| Eye Drop..............._____ |  Blitzball any time you want to.  Head North
| Eye Drop..............._____ |  down the path.  Speak to the old man on the
| Eye Drop..............._____ |  left beside the statue to learn a little bit
| Lv. 1 Key Sphere......._____ |  of history.  During the first battle you
| Al Bhed Primer VIII...._____ |  will automatically get a tutorial for
| Mega-Potion............_____ |  armoured enemies.  Note that in just about
| Mega-Potion............_____ |  every battle there are enemies tailored to
| Heat Lance............._____ |  your character's specific abilities.  The
| Al Bhed Primer IX......_____ |  floating eyeball enemies can be hit easily
| Hi-Potion.............._____ |  with Wakka, the small wolf enemies will fall
| Hi-Potion.............._____ |  to Tidus, the armoured enemies will fall to
| Thunder Blade.........._____ |  Auron and the different elements die by
| Scout.................._____ |  Lulu's opposite elemental magic.  Make your
| Fortune Sphere........._____ |  way North and you'll be interrupted by the
| Mars Crest............._____ |  historian.  When he finishes talking go West
|                              |  and behind the broken structure is a chest
o------------------------------o  containing 'Ice Brand.'  Proceed North to be
                                  interrupted once again.You can go into the
                                  little alcove on the East side.  Speak to 
                                  the woman in green and accept her challenge.

| Boss: Ifrit                  |                                             |
|---------------o--------------| Belgemine summons Ifrit so that makes       |
| HP: 3500      | AP: 0        | Valefor your only option.  Hopefully you've |
|---------------+--------------| levelled up Yuna at least a bit before this |
| MP: 200       | Gil: 0       | fight.  One good idea is to get Valefor     |
|---------------o--------------o to Overdrive status before the fight so     |
|                                that you can use Energy Ray right off,      |
| which is an extremely powerful attack.  Alternate between using the        |
| Blizzard magic and Shield.  Use Shield on the second turn when Ifrit casts |
| Meteor Strike which he will do every other turn.  When you get to          |
| Overdrive status let loose an Energy Ray for over 1000 damage.  Combined   |
| with the Blizzard magic and a possible Overdrive from the start, you       |
| should be able to take Ifrit out before he manages to eliminate Valefor.   |
|                                                                            |

For  winning   the  battle  Belgemine  gives  o- Mi'ihen Highroad (Item) ----o
you  an  'Echo Ring.'   Go back  to the main  |                              |
path  and  head  North  to  the  next  area.  | Potion................50 Gil |
You'll  pass by a Chocobo  here, go North up  | Phoenix Down.........100 Gil |
past the bird to  find  a  chest  containing  | Antidote..............50 Gil |
'Remedy.'  head West  and talk to the little  | Eye Drops.............50 Gil |
girl.  Run  East to the next screen.  Follow  | Echo Screen...........50 Gil |
the path North  ignoring the  little area to  | Grenade..............300 Gil |
the  West,  but  when  you come  to a  small  | Map...................50 Gil |
branch  East, take  it  and  open the  chest  |                              |
which is partially  hidden by the  pillar to  o- Mi'ihen Highroad (Weapon) --o
find '2000 Gil.'  Approach  the wagon to the  |                              |
North.  When it starts  moving talk  to the   | Warrior's Sword......150 Gil |
man  on   your  left and  he'll give  you an  | Enchanted Rod........150 Gil |
'Ether.'  Walk further  and speak to the two  | Power Ball...........150 Gil |
men in the small area to the right.  Further  | Magical Mog..........150 Gil |
still  is  another woman  in green  to speak  | Halberd..............225 Gil |
with.  Go North,  open the  chest containing  | Shimmering Blade.....225 Gil |
three 'Eye Drop' and then  proceed Northwest  | Pearl Shield.........250 Gil |
into the next area.  Approach the building.   | Pearl Ring...........250 Gil |
                                              | Pearl Armguard.......250 Gil |
This  is  one of the  many  Travel  Agencies  | Pearl Bangle.........250 Gil |
you'll find throughout  the game.  There's a  | Pearl Armlet.........250 Gil |
save point  and shop, as well  as an Al Bhed  | Pearl Bracer.........250 Gil |
Compilation  Sphere  in case you  missed the  |                              |
one earlier.  Save your game and leave, when  o------------------------------o
you do  a scene  occurs.  Save  again in the
morning then take a couple steps.  Some guy will interrupt and give you a
'Lv.1 Key Sphere.' Ket Spheres are special spheres you use on the Sphere Grid. 
You may have noticed that along the way you find some sphere icons with a Lv.1
or Lv.2 symbol on them.  You can't get past these, but if you open them with
the appropriate level Key Sphere, you can.  Trey and leave the travel agency
to meet Rin, the owner of all these agencies.  He gives you the 'Al Bhed
Primer Vol, VIII.'  Before you leave he will also give you two 'Mega-Potion.' 
Exit the agency and walk a few steps up to trigger a boss fight.

| Boss: Chocobo Eater          |                                             |
|---------------o--------------| There are two ways to fight this battle and |
| HP: 10,000    | AP: 90       | each one has its own potential advantage.   |
|---------------+--------------| Fortunately the one with the slightly       |
| MP: 5         | Gil: 970     | better reward is also the easier method.    |
|---------------o--------------o This boss can be killed in two ways, by     |
|                                either depleting its HP or by knocking it   |
| over the edge.  If you deplete its HP you get the experience and money,    |
| if you knock it over the edge you get two Lv.1 Key Spheres.  Considering   |
| how common those are the experience reward is probably a lot more useful.  |
| Star the battle by casting Haste on everyone in a priority order of Lulu,  |
| the Auron then Tidus, or something approximately like that depending on    |
| who you are using.  Lulu should use Focus and then cast Fire every single  |
| turn as it is the boss' weakness, she will be the major damage dealer in   |
| this fight.  The boss uses its huge arms to knock your party dangerously   |
| close to the edge, but as you damage the boss you can knock in on its back |
| and keep hitting until as it slides in the direction of the other cliff.   |
| It's pretty much a battle of attrition but what's likely going to happen   |
| is an equal amount of push from both sides resulting in the boss just      |
| eventually running out of HP.  If you really want the spheres, you can try |
| the other method of knocking the boss off the cliff.  Hit hard and fast.   |
|                                                                            |

Return to the travel agency and save your game.  Speak to the person standing
just outside the door to get a Chocobo to ride.  If you really want to level
up as you go you actually have the options of making the trek on foot.Whatever
you choose head North toward the red destination marker.  In this screen
there's not much to do but run down the path to the next area.  In the next
area just beyond the bridge you will see a somewhat hard-to-see yellow object
on the left side of the path, this is a Chocobo feather.  Examine it while
riding the Chocobo and it will jump across to the other side and open the
chest containing 'Heat Lance.'  Back on the path just past the feather the 'Al
Bhed Primer Vol, IX' sits on the ground.  In the next area kick open the chest
on your left to receive two 'Hi-Potion.'  You'll notice this area has two
exits to the South, the one you came from and one leadings Southeast.  Take
the Southeast exit while still riding the Chocobo.

To the South a bit you'll find another yellow Chocobo feather on the left side
of the path.  Examine it and jump up to get the 'Thunder Blade.'  On your way
down you also receive 'Scout.'  Proceed South to the next area.  There's a
long path going South here too, keep an eye on your minimap as you go along,
when you come to a Y shaped fork which is visible on the map, but not on the
screen, go Northeast and examine the feather.  Kicking open the chest reveals
a 'Fortune Sphere.'  Further South on the path you'll find O'aka and you can
lend him some Gil, then at the very bottom is a chest containing 'Mars
Crest.'  Return back to the Crusader's checkpoint.  Dona is standing here on
the right side, approach her for a quick scene.  If you go any further you'll
automatically dismount the Chocobo.  Head North and watch the quick scene. 
Speak to the guy on the left and you can donate money to their operation,
10,000 Gil donation will get you a Moon Ring while 1000 Gil gets you an Ice
Lance.  If you try and go North you can get the guy to explain Operation
Mi'ihen to you.  Since you can't get through try heading South and you'll be
interrupted by someone familiar.  Proceed North to Mushroom Rock Road.

|__ inal Fantasy X /---------------------------------------------------------o
|  -------o--------\                      Mushroom Rock                      |
       (0000D)      \--------------------------------------------------------o

o------- Item Checklist -------o  Walk forward and talk to the soldier running
|                              |  by to get an 'Ether,' the other stationary
| Ether.................._____ |  guard will offer a 'Hi-Potion.'  As you
| Hi-Potion.............._____ |  continue someone will come down and tell you
| Hi-Potion.............._____ |  where to go.  Head Northwest but stop and
| 1000 Gil..............._____ |  pick up some items from O'aka first.  Save
| Remedy................._____ |  your game and talk to the nearby person,
| Hi-Potion.............._____ |  you'll receive 'Hi-Potion.'  Examine the
| Serene Armlet.........._____ |  circular panel in the ground and you will be
| Al Bhed Primer X......._____ |  brought up to the next level.  Follow the
| Mega-Potion............_____ |  path all the way around until you see a man
| Mega-Potion............_____ |  standing beside a treasure chest.  The man
| Serene Bracer.........._____ |  will give you ten Potions, and the chest
| Soft Ring.............._____ |  contains '1000 Gil.'  Make your way West
| Variable Steel........._____ |  from the treasure chest, keep an eye on your
| Phoenix Down..........._____ |  minimap if you are ever confused as you
| Phoenix Down..........._____ |  what paths lead where.  As you head North on
| Hi-Potion.............._____ |  the left side open the treasure chest to
| Al Bhed Primer XI......_____ |  receive 'Remedy.'  Navigate the winding
| Bright Bangle.........._____ |  pattern further and further North.  When you
| Ether.................._____ |  go underneath a small overpass at the
| Mega-Potion............_____ |  Northwest side, a treasure chest can be
|                              |  found underneath containing a 'Hi-Potion.' 
o------------------------------o  Continue onward and ride the panel up.

Speak to the man right in front of you at the top and he'll give you an 'X-
Potion.'  Start running Northeast but keep an eye on your minimap, you'll see
a path leading to the West.  Take it and descend on the platform.  There's a
chest here containing 'Serene Armlet.'  Return to the top and continue North. 
Look at your minimap again, this time you'll see a thin path leading Southwest
in the shape of a very curvy fishing hook.  At the end of this path somewhat
camouflaged on the ground is the 'Al Bhed Primer Vol, X.'  Now you can go back
and ride the North panel to the next area.  At the top you will find a save
point, be sure to use it.  Speak to the soldier to get a 'Mega-Potion' then
head South and listen to the conversation.  Ride the elevator up.

Start South and a scene will occur.  Make your way Northeast toward the
command center and another scene.  East of here you will find another save
point.  O'aka is nearby if you want to get some last minute items.  Speak to
Gatta on your left and then head further into the area.  After the talking
with everyone but before telling the guard you are ready, open the chest at
the upper right, near Auron for a 'Mega-Potion.'  Another is hidden behind the
nearby spear rack, it has 'Serene Bracer' inside.  Save your game then talk to
the soldier at the lower right corner and tell him you're ready. 

| Boss: Sinspawn Gui           |                                             |
|---------------o--------------| By this point Lulu should definitely have   |
| HP: 12,000    | AP: 400      | the Fira spell, it will come in extremely   |
|---------------+--------------| handy during this battle.  There are four   |
| MP: 30        | Gil: 600     | parts to this boss, the arms, the body and  |
|---------------o--------------o the head.  The arms have 800 HP each,       |
|                                and the head has 4000 HP.  There are        |
| numerous ways to take care of the arms.  Lulu's Fire works well, even      |
| better is Auron's Dragon Fang Overdrive.  You can't premanently destroy    |
| the arms, they automatically respawn after a certain amount of time.       |
| While they are gone take advantage of this opportunity to attack the head  |
| and body.  The head will start doing something, moving suspiciously.       |
| During this time Lulu suggests she should cast magic on it.  Listen to     |
| her and cast magic on the head to stop it from charging it's powerful      |
| attack.  Have Auron use Power Break on the body to significantly reduce    |
| the amount of damage the boss deals.  Tidus should act as a support        |
| character, using items, using Haste and using Cheer.                       |
|                                                                            |

When the fight is over a big impressive cutscene occurs, and then...

| Boss: Sinspawn Gui           |                                             |
|---------------o--------------| This boss is quite a bit easier for a       |
| HP: 6000      | AP: 400      | number of reasons, first of all you've got  |
|---------------+--------------| Maester Seymour in you party who is set     |
| MP: 30        | Gil: 600     | up with some powerful magic.  Have him cast |
|---------------o--------------o Fira on the head to kill it in one hit,     |
|                                then have him take out the arms along with  |
| Auron's help.  Yuna should just stick to healing, don't bother summoning   |
| at all here.  The boss' total health is only half of what it was in the    |
| last battle so it really is set up for you to win.  This is the only       |
| point in the entire game where you can see Seymmour's Overdrive, perhaps   |
| you may want to charge that up as something to do during the battle.       |
|                                                                            |

Now watch the scene.  Around the middle of the North area you'll find someone
to talk to.  Who lives and who dies may be different at this point.  There's
another lengthy scene now.  Use the save point on your left and talk to
everybody.  Head West and listen to what people have to say.  Further West is
a chest containing 'Hi-Potion.'  Go and talk to Auron.  Up the Northeast path
you'll find Shelinda, she heals your party for free.  Further Northeast gather
all your members and start up the road.  Start walking North and speak to the
first man you see walking as well.  He'll give you the 'Soft Ring.'  He gives
you this because there is a certain enemy here called the Basilisk who can
inflict the Petrify status on your party.  If you get into a battle with these
enemies be sure to switch Kimahri into your party and use the Lancet ability
on them.  Kimahri will learn Stone Breath.  Further up the path there is a man
doing the prayer on your right, speak to him to receive 'Variable Steel.'  On
your left is a chest containing two 'Phoenix Down.'  There is also a robed man
walking around this area who gives you a 'Hi-Potion' when you speak to him.

On the right side of path, near the chest hidden behind the rock pillar is the
'Al Bhed Primer Vol, XI.'  Keep an eye on your minimap as you run North,
you'll see a little indentation in the wall on your left.  Inside that is a
hidden chest containing 'Bright Bangle.'  Just beyond this there's a man
standing around in a brown hood who gives you an 'Ether.'  If there people are
in different positions don't blame me, it may vary as they are walking around
a lot.  Just talk to everyone you see.  Beyond this is another soldier who
talks to you and gives you a 'Mega-Potion.'  Watch the scene when you get to
the fork.  Head East and talk to Auron before approaching the temple.

|__ inal Fantasy X /---------------------------------------------------------o
|  -------o--------\                      Djose Temple                       |
       (0000E)      \--------------------------------------------------------o

o------- Item Checklist -------o  Cross over the bridge and talk to the
|                              |  captain of the Chocobo Knights.  Approach
| Ability Sphere........._____ |  the temple and talk to Yuna.  Before going
| Ability Sphere........._____ |  into the temple head to the Northeast and
| Ability Sphere........._____ |  open the chest to get four 'Ability
| Ability Sphere........._____ |  Sphere.'  Run to the West side past the
| 4000 Gil..............._____ |  Chocobo Knights and open the chest for '4000
| Ether.................._____ |  Gil.'  There's a shop on the right side of
| Remedy................._____ |  this area, inside the small hut.  You can
|                              |  find a tutorial sphere in here as well, and
o------------------------------o  rest for free.  Leave this place and enter
                                  the temple, watch the scene inside.  Before
going into the Cloister of Trials open the chest to the left of the stairs to
get 'Ether,' and to the  right of the stairs   
inside  the room  to  receive 'Remedy.'  Now  o- Djose Temple (Weapon) ------o 
you  are ready  to head  inside  the  temple  |                              |
Cloister of  Trials.  Before  going into the  | Fencing Saber........550 Gil |
trials  Isaaru  interrupts you just  one more | Rune Rod.............550 Gil |
time.  Tell the man you are prepared.         | Hyper Ball...........550 Gil |
                                              | Rune Mog.............550 Gil |
o- Djose Temple (Item) -----------------------o Halberd..............825 Gil |
|                                             | Shimmering Blade.....825 Gil |
| Potion.............................50 Gil   | Metal Shield.........550 Gil |
| Phoenix Down......................100 Gil   | Metal Ring...........550 Gil |
| Antidote...........................50 Gil   | Metal Armguard.......550 Gil |
| Eye Drops..........................50 Gil   | Metal Bangle.........550 Gil |
| Echo Screen........................50 Gil   | Metal Armlet.........550 Gil |
| Soft...............................50 Gil   | Metal Bracer.........550 Gil |
|                                             |                              |

|__ inal Fantasy X /---------------------------------------------------------o
|  -------o--------\                  Djose Cloister of Trials               |
       (0000F)      \--------------------------------------------------------o

o------- Item Checklist -------o  Grab the Djose Sphere on your left and the
|                              |  Djose Sphere on your right and set them into
| Magic Sphere..........._____ |  the door.  When both spheres are in place
| Switch Hitter.........._____ |  the door opens.  In the next room you will
| Halberd................_____ |  see two sphere on the left and right
| Hi-Potion.............._____ |  diagonal walls.  Take them out and put them
| Hi-Potion.............._____ |  both into the two slots on the Eastern side.
|                              |  Now that the thing in the ceiling starts to
o------------------------------o  glow push the pedestal underneath it.  This
                                  will charge the sphere that is in the
pedestal.  Remove the Djose sphere from the pedestal and place it in the slot
on the right diagonal wall.  Return to the East side and take the two Djose
Spheres out of the wall and put them both in the pedestal.  Run to the West
side of the room and step on the shiny floor panel to reset the pedestal.

Push it directly North into the next room and it will float on the
electricity.  You can now jump across to the other side and push the pedestal
there to activate the central eye of the symbol in the middle.  Step on the
shiny panel again to get your pedestal back.  Remove your charged up sphere
from the wall on the right and put it into the wall on the left.  This will
activate the head portion of the symbols.  To activate the arms you need to
remove both Djose Spheres from the pedestal and put them into the East and
West slots of the first room of the trials.  Step onto the symbol and head up.

There are five pedestals in the room to the North, examine all of them to turn
on all five electrical currents.  Ride the elevator back down to the lower
floor and examine the glowing white panel on the Western side, the one on the
wall and not the floor.  Touch it to open the path to the Destruction Sphere. 
Ride the elevator back up and place the Destruction Sphere into the pedestal
you just created.  This breaks the wall revealing a treasure chest with 'Magic
Sphere' inside.  Ascend the West stairs and watch the scene.  Try to leave the
chamber to progress the game. 

In the morning go back into the temple and speak to the woman beside the bed. 
Watch the scene when Yuna wakes up and leave the temple.  Save your game at
the Save Sphere on your right then enter the small hut.  There is now a
treasure chest behind the counter area containing 'Switch Hitter.'  Leave the
temple area to the South.  On the bridge speak with the first person you pass
on the upper side and he'll give you a 'Halberd.'  The monk walking along the
path will give you two 'Hi-Potion' and the soldier in blue with the face mask
standing stationary offers ten Potions.  Head South and watch the scene. 
Gather your party and set off across the Moonflow to the Northwest!

|__ inal Fantasy X /---------------------------------------------------------o
|  -------o--------\                         Moonflow                        |
       (0000G)      \--------------------------------------------------------o

o------- Item Checklist -------o  Head forward and talk to Shelinda. 
|                              |  there's a small hidden path leading to a
| Lv.1 Key Sphere........_____ |  chest containing three 'Lv.1 Key Sphere.' 
| Lv.1 Key Sphere........_____ |  Proceed further and talk to the two Ronso. 
| Lv.1 Key Sphere........_____ |  Afterwards open the chest at the upper right
| X-Potion..............._____ |  for an 'X-Potion.'  Further down the path
| Lv.1 Key Sphere........_____ |  check your map again, in the little
| Lv.1 Key Sphere........_____ |  indentation on your right is a chest
| Lv.1 Key Sphere........_____ |  containing another three 'Lv.1 Key Sphere.' 
| Summoner's Soul........_____ |  Head North and speak to Belgemine, this is
| Magic Def Sphere......._____ |  the second Aeon contest.  She'll heal all
| Phoenix Down..........._____ |  your Aeons before the fight begins. 
| Phoenix Down..........._____ | 
| 5000 Gil..............._____ |  When the battle is over you get two Dragon
| Al Bhed Primer XII....._____ |  Scales if you win, and six Smoke Bombs if
| Ether.................._____ |  you lose.  No matter what the outcome you
| Antidote..............._____ |  also get the 'Summoner's Soul' which allows
| Antidote..............._____ |  you to teach abilities to your Aeons.  Keep
| Antidote..............._____ |  and eye on yourminimap and take the hidden
| Antidote..............._____ |  path on your left just North of Belgemine to
| Mega-Potion............_____ |  find a chest with 'Magic Def Sphere.' 
|                              |  Continue North along the path and watch
o------------------------------o  the scene.  Now head West to the docking
                                  station and watch another scene.

| Boss: Ixion                  |                                             |
|---------------o--------------| Start the battle with a Grand Summon        |
| HP: 6500      | AP: 0        | Overdrive if you have it.  This battle is   |
|---------------+--------------| best fought with Ifrit.  Ixion is fast and  |
| MP: 450       | Gil: 0       | will cast Haste part way through.  With     |
|---------------o--------------o Haste in effect Ixion gets a number of      |
|                                turns in a row which can really hurt you    |
| a lot.  A special trick to know for this battle is to realize that Ifrit   |
| actually has a heal spell, since Fire is Ifrit's element, you can cast     |
| it on him to heal him.  Use this to your advantage while you build up your |
| Overdrive meter in preparation for Hellfire.  In the even that Ifrit is    |
| killed in the battle you are still allowed to summon Valefor to finish.    |
|                                                                            |

There's  a  chest  right  in  front  of  you  o- Moonflow (Item) ------------o
containing  two  'Phoenix Down.'  Head  West  |                              |
and speak to Auron, then continue  West past  | Potion...............100 Gil |
him.   You'll  meet  up   with  the  Chocobo  | Phoenix Down.........200 Gil |
Knights  here.   Inside  the  enclosed  area  | Antidote.............100 Gil |
beside Lulu  is  a  chest  containing  '5000  | Eye Drops............100 Gil |
Gil.'  Save your  game and  speak to  Wakka.  | Echo Screen..........100 Gil |
Go  back  to the  Eastern  Shoopuf  boarding  | Soft.................100 Gil |
area and talk to the little blue driver guy.  |                              |
Tell him you're ready and prepare to go.      o- Moonflow (Weapon) ----------o
                                              |                              |
o---------------------------------------------o                              |
|                                               Hunter's Sword......2250 Gil |
| Ice Ball.........................3750 Gil     Flametongue.........3750 Gil |
| Blurry Moon......................6150 Gil     Twin Lance..........8700 Gil |
|                                                                            |

| Boss: Extractor              |                                             |
|---------------o--------------| The only two characters you have for this   |
| HP: 4000      | AP: 660      | battle are Tidus and Wakka which makes it   |
|---------------+--------------| rather difficult.  Fortunately the boss'    |
| MP: 10        | Gil: 2240    | attacks are weak to compensate for this.    |
|---------------o--------------o Have Tidus cast Haste on himself and Wakka  |
|                                at the beginning of the battle then start   |
| using normal attacks.  The boss' normal attack Aqua Shooter is very weak   |
| and will really require no healing at all.  Its only other attack is       |
| stronger where it raises up and prepares to let loose some depth charges.  |
| It is possible to prevent this attack however by dealing a good amount     |
| of damage to the boss and forcing it to come back down.  It has an         |
| elemental weakness like most Machina to Lightning, so if you have any      |
| weapons with Lightningstrike that's a good idea, also if Wakka gets his    |
| Overdrive try to aim for the Lightning Reels.  It should go down quickly.  |
|                                                                            |

Watch the scene after the battle then save your game when you dock.  Head West
and you'll find O'aka standing around, you can purchase some things from him
if you need to.  Up the nearby incline sitting on the ground at the top is the
'Al Bhed Primer Vol, XII.'  To the West again you will find a chest containing
'Ether.'  Continue along the path until you find someone laying on the ground
and watch the event.  In the next battle you'll find a chest and another
tutorial.  When you find treasure chests in battle Rikku can open them with
her Steal command.  Her Overdrive is the ability to mix items and produce
special effects.  Head North a bit, when the path curves Northeast there is a
chest on your right containing four 'Antidote.'  Continue along the path to
the next screen.  Near the top of the path just before entering Guadosalam you
will find a chest on your left with 'Mega-Potion' inside.  Continue North.

|__ inal Fantasy X /---------------------------------------------------------o
|  -------o--------\                       Guadosalam                        |
       (0000H)      \--------------------------------------------------------o

o------- Item Checklist -------o  When you first enter you find out about your
|                              |  destination and get a tutorial about
| Mega-Potion............_____ |  customizing equipment.  Go down into the
| Al Bhed Primer XIII...._____ |  place on your right, this is the inn you can
| 3000 Gil..............._____ |  save and heal up in here.  Also find
| Hi-Potion.............._____ |  Shelinda sitting on one of the chairs. 
| Hi-Potion.............._____ |  Leave this place and go up toward the large
| Elixir................._____ |  red door but don't enter yet.  On the right
| Lightning Marble x8...._____ |  hand side there's a chest containing 'Mega-
|                              |  Potion.'  Head West and go into the door. 
o------------------------------o  In this small house you can find the 'Al
                                  Bhed Primer Vol, XIII' on the floor and a
hidden chest at the back containing '3000 Gil.'  Now go into the large red
door.  Up either set of stairs you will find
a chest on  the walkway at the  top with two  o- Guadosalam (Item) ----------o
'Hi-Potion' inside.   Descend the stairs and  |                              |
head into the door for a scene.   Speak with  | Potion................75 Gil |
everyone in your party to continue the game.  | Phoenix Down.........150 Gil |
Now leave and meet up with your party.        | Antidote..............75 Gil |
                                              | Eye Drops.............75 Gil |
Head East and  go up the  ramp to the South,  | Echo Screen...........75 Gil |
in the  second door you  come to you'll find  | Soft..................75 Gil |
O'aka.   This  is also  the  normal  shop of  |                              |
Guadosalam.   Head West and then  South when  o- Guadosalam (Weapon)---------o
you  reach  the  edge of  Guadosalam.  There  |                              |
are two people talking  and blocking you way  | Baroque Sword.......1237 Gil |
but you can  pass by below the hooded Guado.  | Ductile Rod.........1237 Gil |
Beyond them is a chest  containing 'Elixir.'  | Switch Hitter.......1237 Gil |
Take  a few  steps back  and then  go up the  | Variable Mog........1237 Gil |
Northeast ramp toward the  Farplane.  On the  | Halberd.............2475 Gil |
next screen you  will see how the path has a  | Shimmering Blade....2475 Gil |
slight curve to the  left, kind of like an S  | Devastator..........1237 Gil |
shape.  Hidden behind the illuminated pillar  | Yellow Shield.......3487 Gil |
on your left right you you enter this screen  | Yellow Ring.........3487 Gil |
is   a  chest   containing  eight  'Lighting  | Yellow Armguard.....3487 Gil |
Marble.'  Proceed North to  the Farplane and  | Yellow Bangle.......3487 Gil |
speak to your  party.   Now go  inside for a  | Yellow Armlet.......3487 Gil |
scene.  Go  over and talk to  Wakka, then to  | Yellow Bracer.......3487 Gil |
Lulu, and finally  to Yuna.   Head back down  | Yellow Targe........3487 Gil |
to Seymour's place and  speak to Lulu.  Talk  |                              |
to everyone  and then  head toward the front  o------------------------------o
entrance of Guadosalam,  when you try and go  
down the ramp to the Northwest Shelinda will appear.  Talk to your party then
when it's finally time to leave, the path descending Northwest from the
entrance is no longer blocked.  Take it to reach the Thunder Plains.

|__ inal Fantasy X /---------------------------------------------------------o
|  -------o--------\                     Thunder Plains                      |
       (0000I)      \--------------------------------------------------------o

o------- Item Checklist -------o  When moving around the Thunder Plains it is
|                              |  possible to be struck by lightning if you
| Phoenix Down..........._____ |  aren't close enough to the lightning towers. 
| Phoenix Down..........._____ |  When you see the flash of lightning, press
| Hi-Potion.............._____ |  the X button to dodge the upcoming bolt. 
| Hi-Potion.............._____ |  Open the chest on your left and get the two
| 5000 Gil..............._____ |  'Phoenix Down.'  Directly Northwest of the
| Water Ball............._____ |  Save Sphere is a chest with two 'Hi-
| Al Bhed Primer XIV....._____ |  Potion,' save your game before going any
| Yellow Shield.........._____ |  further.  Head North and stay along the West
| X-Potion..............._____ |  wall.  North of the shining Cactuar statue
| 2000 Gil..............._____ |  is a hidden chest along the wall containing
|                              |  '5000 Gil.'  Make your way Northeast, in a
o------------------------------o  small alcove that's rather easy to see on
                                  your minimap you'll find a chest containing
'Water Ball.'  Now continue North to the next screen.  After going into the
Travel Agency, speak to Rikku and you'll meet Rin.  Select the top option to
get 'Al Bhed Primer Vol, XIV' then follow Yuna to the back room for a scene.

In the morning speak to Rikku.  When you're back upside examine the object on
the ground just a few steps up the path to your right, it's the 'Yellow
Shield.'  Take the South exit from this path to get back to the first area of
the Thunder Plains.  You'll notice there are to exits leading North, take the
one on the right, the Northeast one.  On the second map of the Thunder Plains
check the right side almost immediately to find a chest with an 'X-Potion.' 
If you encounter the Iron Giant enemies in this area, they're a great way to
build  experience.  Just use Auron's Power Break skill on them to make them
manageable.  Head North and watch the scene near the enclosed area.  Northeast
of here near the East wall is a chest containing '2000 Gil.'  Now head North
and continue until you reach the Macalania Woods.

|__ inal Fantasy X /---------------------------------------------------------o
|  -------o--------\                        Macalania                        |
       (0000J)      \--------------------------------------------------------o

o------- Item Checklist -------o  Head forward and talk to Auron then meet up
|                              |  with your group again.  Save your game and
| Sleepy Cait Sith......._____ |  then head North up the incline.  Hidden
| 2000 Gil..............._____ |  behind the tree on the second corner is a
| Phoenix Down..........._____ |  chest containing 'Sleepy Cait Sith.' 
| Phoenix Down..........._____ |  Continue along the path and open the chest
| Phoenix Down..........._____ |  at the bottom of the hill to get '2000
| Remedy................._____ |  Gil.'  Proceed Northeast to the next screen.
| Al Bhed Primer XV......_____ |  If you happen to get into a fight with the
| Jecht's Sphere........._____ |  Chimera enemy, switch Kimahri into your
| Al Bhed Primer XVI....._____ |  party and have him use Lancet to learn the
|                              |  Aqua Breath skill.  At the Northeast side of
o------------------------------o  this area, just before going down the ramp,
                                  is a chest beside the tree containing three
'Phoenix Down.'  Down at the bottom you'll meet someone familiar, then go up
the next ramp for a quick scene.  There is a minigame available here, the
butterfly catching game.  Play if you wish, but when you're ready head East.

Up the next ramp hidden beside the tree is a chest with 'Remedy' inside. 
Contine along to the next screen.  Save your game and talk to O'aka.  Go into
the weapon menu but don't buy anything, cancel out and he'll ask you if
they're too expensive.  Say that they are to get a price drop.  The Southeast
path doesn't lead anywhere but you can find the 'Al Bhed Primer Vol, XV' if
you examine the ground.  Head North and watch the scene with Auron.  Now run
Northeast and approach Auron and Yuna to trigger...

| Boss: Spherimorph            |                                             |
|---------------o--------------| This is definetely one of the easiest boss  |
| HP: 12,000    | AP: 3420     | fights in the game assuming you know how to |
|---------------+--------------| fight it.  The boss has no elemental        |
| MP: 100       | Gil: 4000    | weakness but rather varying weaknesses,     |
|---------------o--------------o meaning that it changes at certain points   |
|                                during the battle.  The boss always changes |
| its elemental weakness when it is hit with an element that it is weak to.  |
| To determine which element the boss is weak to is very simple, all you     |
| have to do is perform a physical attack and the boss will always counter   |
| with a weak magic spell of the element it's currently immune to.  So you   |
| just have to attack with the opposite.  Say you attack and the boss casts  |
| Water.  This means that the boss' element is Water and you need to cast    |
| Thunder.  Better yet the boss only has this along with a weak physical     |
| attack and both of them can be weakened further with Auron's Power Break   |
| and Magic Break.  Have Tidus cast Haste on both Lulu and Auron, they can   |
| take care fo the battle by themselves.  Tidus may as well just defend.     |
|                                                                            |

For winning the battle you receive 'Jecht's Sphere.'  There are spheres like
this all over the place, the more you collect the more new Overdrives Auron
will learn.  Leave this place and head Northeast to find a Travel Agency. 
Speak to Clasco and the Chocobo.  Go into the agency and talk to your party,
then exit.  Pick up the 'Al Bhed Primer Vol, XVI' off the ground on your left.
Just for the record I always find that this area is quite a good place to do
some leveling up.  Head West and watch the scene.

| Boss: Crawler                |                                             |
|---------------o--------------| The Crawler is a fairly hard boss, but the  |
| HP: 16,000    | AP: 4400     | difficulty really depends on how much you   |
|---------------+--------------| have been using Wakka.  This boss negates   |
| MP: 1         | Gil: 7000    | you ability to cast magic with its flying   |
|---------------o--------------o Negator probe and the only person who can   |
|                                hit it without magic is Wakka.  Have him    |
| join the battle and start attacking it every turn.  The rest of your team  |
| should support in any way they can.  Have Tidus use Cheer and Lulu use     |
| Reflex, Reflex will help a lot because one of the boss' attack is multi    |
| targetting and multi hitting.  When you destroy the Negator which only     |
| has 1000 HP, you can go crazy attacking the boss.  It will start to charge |
| an attack called Mana Beam which takes three turns to resolve, but if you  |
| hit hard enough you can interrupt it.  This causes a new Negator to come   |
| out however so you'll probably have to kill at least two of them before    |
| the fight is over.  Remember the exploit the boss' weakness with Thunder.  |
|                                                                            |

|__ inal Fantasy X /---------------------------------------------------------o
|  -------o--------\                     Macalania Temple                    |
       (0000K)      \--------------------------------------------------------o

o------- Item Checklist -------o  Grab the chest that's just in front of you
|                              |  containing 'Mega-Potion.'  Enter through the
| Mega-Potion............_____ |  opening.  Talk to the Al Bhed at the bottom
| 400 Gil................_____ |  of the stairs to receive '400 Gil.'  Follow
| Shell Targe............_____ |  the path and head inside the temple.  Speak
| 5000 Gil..............._____ |  to Tromell to receive the 'Shell Targe.' 
| X-Potion..............._____ |  Walk forward and someone will run out of the
| X-Potion..............._____ |  room.  Before going in check the West branch
| Remedy................._____ |  for '5000 Gil' and the Southeast branch for
| Remedy................._____ |  two 'X-Potion.'  Enter the room to the right
| Hi-Potion.............._____ |  of the stairs and watch the scene.  Open the
| Hi-Potion.............._____ |  chest for two 'Remedy' and then talk to the
|                              |  nearest person to receive two 'Hi-Potion.' 
o------------------------------o  Return to the main chamber and be sure to
                                  save before ascending continuing onward.

| Boss: Seymour                |                                             |
|---------------o--------------| When the battle begins there are two        |
| HP: 6000      | AP: 2000     | Trigger Commands available to you, one for  |
|---------------+--------------| Tidus and one for Yuna.  When Tidus usues   |
| MP: 100       | Gil: 5000    | this command (on Seymour not on the guards) |
|---------------o--------------o then his attack power increases, the same   |
|                                applies for Yuna except magic defense will  |
| increase.  You may find that the two guards are almost impossible to kill  |
| as they heal 1000 HP every single time they are hit, but there is a way    |
| to stop this.  Bring in Rikku and Steal from both of them, once you have   |
| the Hi-Potions they can no longer use Auto-Potion.  Eliminate them and     |
| before you bring attack Seymour, bring in Yuna.  Cast Haste on everyone    |
| and I also recommend using all four of those Nul spells Yuna has, the      |
| reason for this will become apparaent later.  If Seymour knocks a few of   |
| them off don't worry, just have your party basically protected from at     |
| least two.  Now when you attack Seymour, he'll summon his Aeon.            |
|                                                                            |

| Boss: Anima                  |                                             |
|---------------o--------------| Immediately have Yuna summon her new Aeon   |
| HP: 18,000    | AP: 2500     | with the name ????.  This Aeon can pretty   |
|---------------+--------------| much fully heal with the Blizzara spell and |
| MP: 50        | Gil: 3000    | Anima's Pain attack will fill her Overdrive |
|---------------o--------------o bar by about one third with each attack.    |
|                                When you reach Overdrive use Diamond Dust   |
| and it will deal upwards of 6000 damage to him.  Heal yourself with Ice    |
| spells and repeat the process until either Anima or ???? dies.  If you     |
| have to fight Anima with your party watch out because first of all his     |
| Pain attack is an instant kill, and second when he reaches Overdrive he's  |
| going to deal 2000 damage to each member of your party.  Use you normal    |
| attacks and eliminate him as fast as possible.  The reason I told you to   |
| use all those Nul spells earlier is because once Anima is dead you'll have |
| to fight Seymour again, but now he's equipped with Multi-Magic meaning     |
| each turn he casts two powerful magic spells.  Your immunities

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